February 12, 2025

Lilia Sultaire

Artistic Spaces

26 Tips To Create Functionality Home Design


There are many elements of home design that can increase the functionality of your property. The key is to find the right combination of furniture and accessories, which will help you fit as much into your home as possible. To make things easier for yourself, follow these 11 rules when creating a functional interior space:

Rule 1: Get the Size Right

The first rule of home design is to get the size right. The size of your home should be appropriate for the number and size of occupants, as well as their needs. If you have a large family, then a larger home is better; if you have a small family and are single, then a smaller home may be more suitable for your needs.

Rule 2: Use Lining to Increase Functionality

Lining is a great way to add functionality to your home. Lining can be used to divide rooms, or create storage spaces; it can also be used to create an open feel in your home by lining the walls with shelves or cabinets. Lining may also be used to add privacy and noise reduction in some situations, such as lining the ceiling or walls behind windows or doors with curtains or blinds.

Rule 3: Create Coats Spaces

Rule 3: Create Coats Spaces

A coat closet is a great place to hide away items that don’t belong in the main living space. It’s also ideal for storing seasonal items, like winter coats or pool toys. Ideally, you’ll want to locate your coat closet near the entrance of your home so guests can grab their outerwear without making themselves at home too much.

Rule 4: Make the Kitchen a Central Hub

The kitchen is the heart of your home. It’s where you create, prepare and share meals with family and friends. The kitchen should be well-lit, so you can easily see what you’re doing while cooking or baking. It should also be a place where you can socialize with others while working on a project together; however, if this isn’t possible due to limited space, then consider creating an eat-in nook near an open window instead!

The next step is deciding how much space in which each person will have access–whether it be their own workspace or just some shelf space within reach at all times (if applicable). If possible try avoiding having multiple islands around which everyone must walk around constantly–it gets frustrating fast when trying not bump into each other too often!

Rule 5: Allow for Flexible Dining Areas

You’ll want to make sure that your dining table is big enough for everyone in your family, but also that it has enough space around it that people can move around freely. This means not only having enough room for chairs and other furniture, but also making sure there are no obstacles blocking one side of the room from another.

You should also keep in mind how often you plan on moving this piece of furniture around–if you’re going to be doing so regularly (or even occasionally), then there’s no need for an expensive piece made from heavy materials like marble or wood; instead opt for something lighter like plastic or metal so as not to cause any damage when moving it around frequently.

Rule 6: Put Shelves in all the Right Places

Shelves are one of the best ways to add functionality to your home. If you’re looking for a place to store books, ornaments and other things, shelves are perfect. Shelving can also be used as a display area for items that are important to you–like family photos or memorabilia from travels abroad.

And while they may seem like an obvious choice when it comes to creating order in your space (by providing storage), shelves can also help create space by making the most out of unused wall space.

Rule 7: Get Comfortable with Open-Plan Living Space

Open-plan living spaces are a great way to increase the functionality of your home. They allow for more natural light and air flow, which is good for you and your family’s health. It also means that there are fewer walls to decorate! This can be an excellent way to save money on furnishings by using fewer pieces of furniture in large rooms that have multiple functions (i.e., dining room/living room).

If you’re going to go this route with your design plan, make sure that each room has its own personality so that it doesn’t feel like one big space without any defined boundaries.

Rule 8. Create Smaller Spaces for Kids Bedrooms and Playrooms

When designing a kids’ room, it’s important to remember that the space should be functional and fun. Kids’ rooms should be a place where kids can play, sleep and relax in their own way. They should also feel safe and secure while they’re in their bedroom. The last thing you want is for them to be bored because they don’t have anything engaging enough for them!

The best way to create this kind of environment is by keeping things simple yet interesting at the same time–and what could possibly be simpler than having everything within arm’s reach? Just make sure that these items are appropriate for children before letting them loose on them!

Rule 9. Add a Little Bit of Nature to the Home Design, Even if it is Just Artificial Plants or Flowers.

Rule 9: Add a Little Bit of Nature to the Home Design, Even if it is Just Artificial Plants or Flowers.

Having plants in your home can do wonders for its aesthetics. It adds color and life to an otherwise dull atmosphere. The benefits don’t stop there either; they also help you create a healthier environment that can improve your mood and even make you more productive! So what are some good choices? When choosing plants for your space, keep these points in mind:

  • Choose plants that will thrive in the conditions provided by your home (e.g., light levels).
  • Choose easy-to-maintain varieties like succulents or air plants over ferns or cacti because they require less maintenance than their counterparts..

Rule 10. Don’t Forget About Storage Options for Toys in Your Children’s Rooms or Play Areas.

  • Toys, books and clothes.
  • Shoes and sports equipment.
  • Hobbies and gardening equipment.

Rule 11. When An Extension May Be Needed, Include an Outside Space For Outdoor Living and BBQing! Not only will this increase your home’s functionality, but it will also add value to your property in years to come!

As we covered earlier, one of the most common ways to increase the functionality of your home design is by adding an extension. However, when an extension may be needed is when you want space for outdoor living and BBQing! Not only will this increase your home’s functionality, but it will also add value to your property in years to come!


We hope that these tips have helped you to create a home design that is both functional and beautiful. If you are looking for more ideas on how to make your home more functional then check out our blog posts on kitchen design, bathroom design or bedroom design!